
Meet Our Staff

Robert Lee


We are thrilled to welcome Pastor Robert Lee to First Baptist Church as our new spiritual leader. With a deep passion for ministry and a heartfelt dedication to serving others, Pastor Lee brings a wealth of experience and a fresh perspective to our congregation. His commitment to fostering spiritual growth, building community, and guiding us in our faith journey aligns perfectly with our mission and values. We look forward to the new chapter ahead under his leadership and are excited about the opportunities for growth and connection that lie before us. Please join us in warmly welcoming Pastor Robert Lee to our church family.

Jeremy Robinson

Music Minister

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Jeremy Robinson has had a passion for music since he was very young.  Starting at the age of four, he began to learn how to play the piano, and quickly developed a love for the piano and music as a whole.  In the fall of 2014, Jeremy began his music ministry at St. Paul AME church in Chicago, where he spent a few months before going on to be the pianist at Unity Temple AME church in Chicago for five years.  During this time, he has grown to know the true value of ministering to others and helping them to be closer to Jesus through songs of worship and praise. In his free time, Jeremy likes to play basketball and video games with his friends and spend time with family.  He plans to pursue a career in Computer Engineering and hopes to bring his music knowledge into the field and implement both of those skills in that career. As the Minister of Music, Jeremy hopes to be able to further minister to you through his music in giving praise and worship to God.

Charity Andersen


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Charity Andersen grew up in Aurora, IL and started coming to First Baptist of Aurora with her family when she was 11 years old.  She became involved with the youth group here, which is where she met her husband, Jeremy.  They have been married for over 25 years now, and have 4 children:  Dylan, Donovan, Devin, and Delilah.  Charity also works for the Yorkville School District as a Recess Aide for the grade school, and a Campus Monitor at the high school.  She loves spending time with family, time outdoors, and working out.

Doug Varney


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As Moderator of our Church Council, my position serves God and our church family in many ways.  My efforts help facilitate many of our short and long-range activities and projects.   At FBC, our Church Council and our Pastor work together to share the Hope of Jesus. 

Diane Moncrief

Church Clerk

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The Church Clerk serves as secretary for all Church Business meetings and Church Council meetings, taking minutes and retaining the records. The Clerk also maintains the church membership record. Finally, the Clerk retains a record of all communications and reports pertaining to the general business of the church.

Financial Team

Brian Davenport


Fritz Harms

Assistant Treasurer

Dan Lundberg

Assistant Treasurer

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The combined efforts of our financial team ensure accountability to FBC for all tithes and offerings throughout the year. We are stewards of God's gifts donated by our congregation.  

Deanna Walker

Music and Worship Committee

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The music and worship committee work with the pastor, music minister, tech team, and praise team to both lead and incorporate the congregation in praise and worship of our Lord.  The committee brings the elements of worship together and prepares the sanctuary for Sunday morning worship.   

Odessa Davenport

Mission Committee

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Our Mission Committee goals are to empower our congregation to engage in missions, whether locally or globally, working in conjunction with American Baptist Home Mission Societies (ABHMS). The Mission Committee develops strategies to spread the love of Jesus and share the gospel of God from our congregation to our community and around the world.  Advancing the gospel for reaching the people of God through mission trips, events, donations, and prayers, sharing his love to everyone we meet.

Christ followers, under the power of the Holy Spirit, will tell everyone about him.  “Acts 1:8 team “ 

Tommy Porter

Evangelism Committee

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I implement activities within our church that will help people feel comfortable and welcome here at FBC.  I organize our Sunday morning greeting team, provide gifts of appreciation to new visitors, and plan after service social gatherings once a month.  I also work with Pastor to schedule Baptisms throughout the year.  

Stephanie Lodor

Christian Education Committee

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Our committee is active in all facets in the teaching of God's word.  I work with our Sunday School teachers and other volunteers engaged in providing learning opportunities for all age groups in our congregation.  Also, every year, we provide a vacation bible school program for children both within and outside our four walls.  This is a wonderful experience for all who attend to learn more about Jesus in an atmosphere where fun and learning come together.   

 Gary Gates

Property Committee

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The Property Committee seeks to ensure that the building and church property are prepared and cared for to honor and worship the Almighty....

Melissa Lundberg

Personal Needs Committee

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My committee supports members of our congregation that are going through difficult times.  We support those members to help them meet needs they currently have.  

Connie Sutphin

Hospitality Committee

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My committee provides spiritual fellowship of the congregation through overseeing and coordinating church gatherings such as coffee fellowships, group dinners, parties and other fun social activities.  We also provide support for funerals and receptions as requested.